whisker - {{mustache}} for R, logicless templating
Implements 'Mustache' logicless templating.
Last updated 2 years ago
12.71 score 212 stars 542 dependents 234 scripts 159k downloadsdocopt - Command-Line Interface Specification Language
Define a command-line interface by just giving it a description in the specific format.
Last updated 4 years ago
11.21 score 210 stars 18 dependents 1.5k scripts 7.9k downloadsdocopt - Command-Line Interface Specification Language
Define a command-line interface by just giving it a description in the specific format.
Last updated 4 years ago
11.18 score 211 stars 18 dependents 1.5k scripts 7.2k downloadscbsodataR - Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Open Data API Client
The data and meta data from Statistics Netherlands (<https://www.cbs.nl>) can be browsed and downloaded. The client uses the open data API of Statistics Netherlands.
Last updated 2 months ago
7.57 score 33 stars 161 scripts 507 downloadsdaff - Diff, Patch and Merge for Data.frames
Diff, patch and merge for data frames. Document changes in data sets and use them to apply patches. Changes to data can be made visible by using render_diff(). The 'V8' package is used to wrap the 'daff.js' 'JavaScript' library which is included in the package.
Last updated 10 months ago
7.34 score 153 stars 133 scripts 2.7k downloadseditrules - Parsing, Applying, and Manipulating Data Cleaning Rules
Please note: active development has moved to packages 'validate' and 'errorlocate'. Facilitates reading and manipulating (multivariate) data restrictions (edit rules) on numerical and categorical data. Rules can be defined with common R syntax and parsed to an internal (matrix-like format). Rules can be manipulated with variable elimination and value substitution methods, allowing for feasibility checks and more. Data can be tested against the rules and erroneous fields can be found based on Fellegi and Holt's generalized principle. Rules dependencies can be visualized with using the 'igraph' package.
Last updated 6 months ago
6.82 score 21 stars 1 dependents 106 scripts 738 downloadserrorlocate - Locate Errors with Validation Rules
Errors in data can be located and removed using validation rules from package 'validate'. See also Van der Loo and De Jonge (2018) <doi:10.1002/9781118897126>, chapter 7.
Last updated 7 months ago
6.07 score 22 stars 53 scripts 353 downloadserrorlocate - Locate Errors with Validation Rules
Errors in data can be located and removed using validation rules from package 'validate'. See also Van der Loo and De Jonge (2018) <doi:10.1002/9781118897126>, chapter 7.
Last updated 7 months ago
6.07 score 22 stars 53 scripts 353 downloadschunked - Chunkwise Text-File Processing for 'dplyr'
Data stored in text file can be processed chunkwise using 'dplyr' commands. These are recorded and executed per data chunk, so large files can be processed with limited memory using the 'LaF' package.
Last updated 3 years ago
5.54 score 166 stars 21 scripts 254 downloadssdcSpatial - Statistical Disclosure Control for Spatial Data
Privacy protected raster maps can be created from spatial point data. Protection methods include smoothing of dichotomous variables by de Jonge and de Wolf (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45381-1_9>, continuous variables by de Wolf and de Jonge (2018) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99771-1_23>, suppressing revealing values and a generalization of the quad tree method by Suñé, Rovira, Ibáñez and Farré (2017) <doi:10.2901/EUROSTAT.C2017.001>.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.90 score 8 stars 20 scripts 161 downloadsvalidatetools - Checking and Simplifying Validation Rule Sets
Rule sets with validation rules may contain redundancies or contradictions. Functions for finding redundancies and problematic rules are provided, given a set a rules formulated with 'validate'.
Last updated 6 months ago
4.47 score 15 stars 39 scripts 193 downloadsvalidatetools - Checking and Simplifying Validation Rule Sets
Rule sets with validation rules may contain redundancies or contradictions. Functions for finding redundancies and problematic rules are provided, given a set a rules formulated with 'validate'.
Last updated 6 months ago
4.42 score 15 stars 35 scripts 178 downloadsvalidatesuggest - Generate Suggestions for Validation Rules
Generate suggestions for validation rules from a reference data set, which can be used as a starting point for domain specific rules to be checked with package 'validate'.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.40 score 5 stars 5 scripts 124 downloadsvalidatesuggest - Generate Suggestions for Validation Rules
Generate suggestions for validation rules from a reference data set, which can be used as a starting point for domain specific rules to be checked with package 'validate'.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.40 score 5 stars 5 scripts 133 downloadsscrollytell - Scrollytelling for RMarkdown and Shiny
Uses the scrollama library to provide scrolly telling functionality for R.
Last updated 6 years ago
3.77 score 45 stars 26 scriptsvalidatedb - Validate Data in a Database using 'validate'
Check whether records in a database table are valid using validation rules in R syntax specified with R package 'validate'. R validation checks are automatically translated to SQL using 'dbplyr'.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.22 score 33 stars 6 scripts 19 downloadsnlgeocoder - Geocoding for the Netherlands
R interface to the open location server API of 'Publieke Diensten Op de Kaart' (<http://www.pdok.nl>). It offers geocoding, address suggestions and lookup of geographical objects. Included is an utility function for displaying leaflet tiles restricted to the Netherlands.
Last updated 6 years ago
2.68 score 2 stars 12 scripts 10 downloadsdcmodifydb - Modifying Rules on a DataBase
Apply modification rules from R package 'dcmodify' to the database, prescribing and documenting deterministic data cleaning steps on records in a database. The rules are translated into SQL statements using R package 'dbplyr'.
Last updated 3 years ago
2.54 score 5 stars 14 scripts 29 downloadsdcmodifydt - Modification Rules on 'data.table'
Apply 'dcmodify' rules on a 'data.table', code generated is optimized for changing a data.table in place / by reference.
Last updated 4 years ago
2.18 score 3 stars 5 scripts